Woodward 5466-258
5466-258 is one of the most flexible and common engineering protection systems in today’s process factories. According to current practice, the design of SIS is a risk-based process, in which the selected equipment and related maintenance and testing programs are customized according to the specific requirements of the application. This risk-based approach produces excellent design that can reduce required risks while minimizing costs. Due to the need for more knowledge than traditional instrumentation and control engineering, SIS design has become a more complex process. In addition to basic concepts, SIS design also requires professional knowledge in analyzing controlled process risks (which inevitably requires an understanding of the process) in order to establish design goals, and professional knowledge in reliability engineering to ensure the selected goals are achieved. Encountered.
The purpose of 5466-258 is to provide a brief overview of the safety lifecycle used for designing SIS, as well as general information to assist in executing tasks defined in the safety lifecycle. This includes data tables, definitions and acronym lists, equations, and instructions for using these resources. It is an instrument and control system that can detect out of control process conditions and automatically return the process to a safe state. It is the last line of defense (or near the last line of defense) against chemical process hazards, and it is not part of the basic process control system. The last line of defense is the difference between safety instrumented systems and basic process control systems used for normal regulatory process control.