UR9AH Conversion of UHF electromagnetic waves into heat (复制) (复制)


Technical Parameters

◆ High-capacity onboard DDR memory: 128-256Mbyte
◆ On-chip disk support: 2-256M eDisks
◆ Supports Windows XP, XPE, WINCE6.0 and Linux.
◆ Standard parallel port, 2 serial ports, 2 USB ports
◆ On-board IDE hard disc drive interface available

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


UR9AH Conversion of UHF electromagnetic waves into heat  

UR9AH wave is an electromagnetic wave with frequency from 300MHz to 300GMHz, and its direction and size change periodically from time to time. Microwave and material direct action, the ultra-high frequency electromagnetic waves into thermal energy is the process of microwave heating process. Water is a strong absorption of microwave materials, materials in the water molecules are polar molecules, under the action of microwave, its polarity orientation with the change of the external electromagnetic field and change, 915MHz microwave water molecules can be 1.83 billion times per second movement, resulting in molecular friction, collision, so that the material to produce a series of processes such as thermal and expansion and achieve the purpose of microwave heating

UR9AH microwave thermal effect and biological effect of the joint action of the results. Microwave thermal effect on bacteria is to make the protein denaturation, so that bacteria lose nutrition, reproduction and survival conditions and death; biological effect is the microwave electric field to change the cell membrane cross-section of the potential distribution, affecting the concentration of electrons and ions around the cell, thereby changing the permeability of the cell membrane performance, the bacteria, therefore, nutritional deficiencies, can not be metabolised normally, the bacterial structure and function disorders, the inhibition of the growth and development and death. In addition, nucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which determine the normal growth and stable genetic reproduction of bacteria, are curly shaped macromolecules tightly connected by a number of hydrogen bonds. A sufficiently strong microwave field can cause the hydrogen bonds to loosen, break and reorganise, thereby inducing genetic mutations, or chromosomal aberrations, or even breakage.