UDD406A 3BHE041465P201 Multi Communication Interface Module

UDD406A 3BHE041465P201

D2-08ND3 – 8 pt. 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 1 common (2 common terminals), removable terminal


D2-08TD1 – 8 pt. 12-24 VDC current sinking output module, 1 common (2 common terminals), 0.3A/point, 2.4A/module, fused per common (non-replaceable), removable terminal

twork communication (Unicom, Telecom, Mobile)

Support low power consumption mode

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


UDD406A 3BHE041465P201 Multi Communication Interface Module

UDD406A 3BHE041465P201 Establishing a dedicated wireless data transmission method with a wireless data transmission module will have better and wider adaptability than wired communication, which is almost unlimited by geography. Compared with the wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission mode, saving manpower and material resources, the investment is quite economical.

UDD406A 3BHE041465P201 good scalability, after the user set up a communication network, often because the system needs to add new equipment. If the wired way, the need to re-wire, construction is more troublesome, and there is the possibility of destroying the original communication lines, but if the use of wireless data transmission radio to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission, only the new equipment and wireless data transmission radio connected to the expansion of the system can be achieved, compared to a better scalability.

UDD406A 3BHE041465P201 equipment maintenance is easier to realize, the maintenance of wired communication links need to check along the line, when there is a failure, it is generally difficult to find out the failure point in time, while the use of wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission only need to maintain the data transmission module, when there is a failure, you can quickly find out the reason and restore the normal operation of the line.