TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 Data Loop Controller

TU810V1 3BSE013230R1

Product Offerings.
– 12 digital inputs 2 configurable as analogue inputs 2,2 ASTP100/TC,1 configurable as HSC/vibration encoder inputs
– 2 analogue inputs
– 8 relay outputs
– 2 analogue outputs

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 Data Loop Controller

The TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 is a revolutionary product that brings the best of the PC-based control and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) worlds onto a common platform. PLCS control more industrial automation than any other form of controller. However, simply controlling I/O for today’s business-conscious applications is often not enough. From proprietary operating systems and ladder logic programming to hardware design, PLCSs are often not designed to handle strings or arrays of data, complex maths, or network collaboration with other software applications and intelligent devices. To succeed in these applications, use a WWPLC. This WLplc module fits into the CPU slot base of the popular DL205 series PLCs for quick and easy control of DL205 I/O modules.

The TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 programme is downloaded to the WWPLC just like a PLC. However, WINPC uses WindowsCE, a real-time operating system with the advantages of PC software such as OPC, AXQVEX and other Microsoft communication tools. WWPLC provides deterministic control and PC connectivity. Control, data management, communication and integration with business systems are easy using WWPLC’s advanced software development tools. For WINEC development projects, and for HMI development software with Environment Studio or Idea and Do It Live, or for qualified OEMs or software developers, WWplc offers a Ce-only version for vb and C++ programmers to develop their own control code. Driver versions of WWPLC and its development software can be purchased directly from Automation Systems.

The TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 provides deterministic control and PC connectivity. Control, data management, communication and integration with business systems are easy using advanced software development tools. For development projects and with the Environment Studio or Idea and Do It Live! HMI development software, or for qualified OEMs or software developers, the module provides a Ce-only version for vb and C++ programmers to develop their own control code. Driver versions of WWPLC and its development software can be purchased directly from Automation Systems. If you are interested in the e-commerce version, please visit and other Microsoft communication tools.