RELIANCE WR-D4007 Power Supply


Technical Parameters
◆ Integrated design of data acquisition and transmission.
◆ Micro-power consumption design, support battery, solar energy, utility power supply.
◆ IP68 protection level, waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-soaking.
◆ Supports two working modes: wake-up timer and real-time online.
◆ Provide 5V and 12V DC power supply for the transmitter.

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


RELIANCE WR-D4007 Power Supply

Quickly view important program statistics for a region or entire system. Verify your quality assurance process. Create audit reports to help verify if the quality control process is in place and being followed. Identify areas of risk in the system. The report reveals some issues, such as differences between projects compared in the plan, which are not within the plan comparison group, so that the problems can be quickly resolved.The fast scan time of RELIANCE WR-D4007 is up to 2048I/OS, with over 2mb of operations and memory, various HMI touch screens, and effortless local and remote I/O installation. Simple or complex, large-scale or small, a single stream can be customized for almost any application. Users only need to select their preferred HMI, flash on the CPU, and then flash on the preferred I/OS to create an integrated controller. This allows users to choose precisely configured devices that meet their precise application requirements. A single studio software, which includes hardware configuration, control, and HMI programming environment, reduces programming time by 50% by predicting the programmer’s intentions and allowing for the reuse of written code. Programmers can be allowed to build a library consisting of user-defined functional blocks and HMI screens that can be imported into any new project and even shared with others.

RELIANCE WR-D4007 allows programmers to create their own hexadecimal based communication protocol between productivity series CPUs and third-party Ethernet devices; Ethernet based ASCII is a possibility associated with this new feature. Another option is the Productivity Network (PROET), which allows for data sharing between two or more networked productivity series CPUs. With this feature, it is easy to broadcast and/or receive data messages “behind the scenes” without the need for any communication instructions in the ladder program. It is a wide range of communication options, including MODBUS master/slave or CS31, and such products are rarely offered. 128GB of user memory and 0.1 inches of program processing time/instruction are just two impressive examples of RELIANCE WR-D4007 . In addition to its interoperability with existing series, the system has also been configured and programmed using the PS501 control builder AC500 based on CODES. This is a programming software suitable for the entire family, compliant with EN61131-3 standard, including five programming languages, providing customers with a single, simple, and comprehensive software platform.
