Technical parameters:

Single-channel mode or dual-channel mode can be selected, the

The signal is DC 24V.

The same system can be configured with 12 address switches for each of the 4095 input and output modules.

Safety parameters can be set for input delay, selection of 1 or 2 channels for value, channel activation, etc.

Response time < 10 ms

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Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307



RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4006 automatically generates a data-flow orientated view of the PLC programme (from inputs to outputs) represented by formulas and flowcharts, thus abstracting the actual sequential execution of the programme. This view is the perfect intermediate formalism between the specification and the code itself. It is independent of the programming style and type of PLC hardware on which the program runs. In addition, modules can be parameterised to use any type of documentation template (title blocks, symbols…), thus ensuring consistent formatting of all documentation. Allows the user to programme in C or ladder logic. Many demo programmes are available to aid development and help reduce time to market. The touchpads are equipped with RS-485 or Ethernet communication and support MODBUS and MOBUS trade agreements respectively. They are perfect for setting up automation and are available in 2.8″ socket friendly versions.

The results of PLC checks can be used as formal, reproducible and exhaustive acceptance criteria. Therefore, it is easy to use in projects without capital expenditure or maintenance. Allows bi-directional data communications over existing AC power lines without the need to add/replace data line networks. Providing reliable data communications, the Avtek Transparent Modem is a cost-effective solution ideal for building and industrial automation. It supports centralised data collection for AMR and enables centralised control of applications such as social and street lighting. Aftek’s PLC Blank Modem incorporates a small form factor, which is based on a highly integrated OS with added semiconductors. it is fully compliant with EEC61334-4-32, EHS and Conax. It offers selectable baud rates from 600 to 4800bps. In addition, it supports a built-in isolated power supply, consuming less than 1W in active mode.