PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 Wireless Digital Transmission Module

PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001

Technical Parameters:

  • User defined tag-based programming for descriptive I/O naming
  • Simple-to-use instructions and Easy math to eliminate complex ladder logic rungs
  • Application tools for quick access to setup, programming, debugging and PAC control
  • Task Manager for quick and easy prioritization of Ladder Logic code
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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 Wireless Digital Transmission Module

PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 The actual field environment is difficult to wire, the customer according to the needs of the field environment or will choose the wireless way to realize the communication. Equipment maintenance is easier to realize, wired communication link maintenance needs to be checked along the line, there is a failure, it is generally difficult to find out the point of failure in time, and the use of wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission only need to maintain the data transmission module, there is a failure can quickly find out the reason, to restore the normal operation of the line.

PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 good adaptability, the limitations of wired communication is too great, in some special applications, such as mountains, lakes, forests, and other special geographic environments or moving objects and other wiring is more difficult to apply the environment of the wired network will have a strong constraints on wired network wiring project, and the use of wireless data transfer module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission mode will not be subject to these restrictions. Data transmission mode will not be subject to these restrictions, so that the wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission mode will be better than the wired communication has a wider range of adaptability, almost unlimited by geographic environment.

PPCC322BE HIEE300900R0001 good scalability, after the user set up a communication network, often because of the system needs to add new equipment. If the wired way, the need to re-wire, construction is more troublesome, and there is the possibility of destroying the original communication lines, but if the use of wireless data transmission radio to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission, only the new equipment and wireless data transmission radio connected to the expansion of the system can be achieved, compared to a better scalability.