MMS6220 Stable performance


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MMS6220 Stable performance

For maximum flexibility and convenient matching, the D136-001-007 module is equipped with a 16 bit SRAM interface facing an external FPGA or a dual port RAM with a 1024 byte address space in the corresponding PLC I/O mapping area. This interface can be easily used for sharing data with external communication interfaces, such as PROFIBUS – or CAN Master, which can be integrated into PLC memory. The D136-001-007 communication interface has three serial interfaces and one Ethernet port on the SODIMM-PLC module. The serial interface is dedicated to MPI communication.

D136-001-007 slave interface (both support transmission rates up to 12 MBit/s) and a standard serial interface, such as establishing point-to-point (PtP) communication. The Ethernet port is limited to PG/OP functionality, such as hardware configuration, PLC program download, and online functionality. Another option is that the MPI interface can be used for system configuration, program updates, and online debugging.
In addition, through the evaluation board prepared by module D136-001-007, all interfaces of the PLC module can be easily accessed to start software execution and testing immediately before the user board is available. The entire kit includes all manuals and standard circuit diagrams, which can be used to build an independent PLC CPU based on the D136-001-007 module or integrate this module into an existing application.