KOLLMORGEN S72402-NANANA S700 Servo Drive Series


Storage Humidity: 10 ~ 95% (no condensation)

Isolation Voltage: input / output: 3KVDC, 1 minute, leak current:1mA

Which output signal and power supply are common ground.

Shock Voltage: 3KVAC, 1.2/50us (peak)

Dimensions: 450 mm x 300 mm x 150mm

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


KOLLMORGEN S72402-NANANA Digital-Analog Converter Module

According to a recent survey by the Opinion Research Corporation, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that safer, cleaner and more energy-efficient production is the most important manufacturing issue in today’s economy. A majority of Americans also believe that highly automated, modern factories are important to the improvement and growth of the United States. The economy and the federal stimulus package should support an increase in the number of modern, automated factories.

The KOLLMORGEN S72402-NANANA provides an open, non-proprietary software interface for exchanging industrial and process control programmes between control, product lifecycle management (PLM), machine and process simulation, CAD, documentation software and other systems. Virtually the entire virtual machine and control system can be used to identify problems before they are put into the real machine and to reduce the time required to start the manufacturing process, avoiding costly rework at the start of production. The Automation Language Group has accepted the PLCLODXML format for describing controls. This co-operation bridges the gap between the production design (virtual factory) and the shop floor, thus reducing time to market and costs for manufacturers. A number of open member companies support the XML standard, including independent software vendors 3-S, KU-SOFER Software and KEKERE Software.

PLCLOD’s XML standard provides an open and inappropriate link to the KOLLMORGEN S72402-NANANA control system, which was not available until now. Prior to this development, the only option for the leading edge manufacturers was to develop their own software, creating interfaces to individual suppliers’ proprietary control products. This could only be done on large scale projects and was costly and tied to a single control supplier. Like open industrial networks, CAD exchange standards, OPC standards and others, PLCLOD’s XML standard provides an open playing field to reduce costs and promote innovation. As a result, manufacturers can expect to reduce engineering costs and accelerate time, and continuously optimise their manufacturing operations with accurate, real-time simulation models.

