IC3645LXCD1TT Smart Cell Modules


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Simon Zhang
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IC3645LXCD1TT Smart Cell Modules

IC3645LXCD1TT shutdown bias -5 to -15V purpose is to appear noise can still be effective shutdown, and can reduce the shutdown loss of the best value is about -10V. not applicable to linear operation, only very fast switching operation when the gate can be added to the lower 3-11V voltage. The saturation voltage drop is directly related to the size of the pass-state loss and junction temperature, hope that the smaller the better, but the price should be large. Saturation voltage drop from 1.7V-4.05V to every 0.25-0.3V for a level, from C → M ten levels.

IC3645LXCD1TT is connected in series in the gate circuit. The purpose is to improve the steepness of the leading and trailing edges of the control pulse and to prevent oscillation and reduce the value of the sharp pulse of the IGBT collector voltage. Also, since the turn-on or turn-off of the IGBT is achieved by charging and discharging the gate circuit, the value of Rg has a great influence on the dynamic characteristics, and it may be necessary to use the buffer circuits shown in Fig. IC for these high-current dual-unit modules in the case of high dc bus voltages. In this case, the recommended combination given for the unit module may be used.

IC3645LXCD1TT parallel purpose is to increase the operating current used, but the devices should be matched, the difference between the Vce of each block < 0.3V, but also to reduce the current used for 600V by 10% Ic, 1200-1400V by 15% Ic, and 1700V by 20% Ic, which group of values refers to ≥ 200A module, and to take the saturation voltage drop is equal or close to the module to do so. The gate control circuit should be separated, in addition to static equalisation of current, there is also the problem of dynamic equalisation of current, and make the temperature close to each other, so as not to affect the balanced distribution of current, because the IGBT is a negative resistance characteristics of the device.