Honeywell CC-PUIO31 Compatible Drives

Honeywell CC-PUIO31

Technical Parameters:

  • Advanced instructions and task management boost program speed and efficiency
  • Run-time editing and easy data logging on CPU
  • Tag name database is friendly and flexible, Help File really helps
  • Easy connection to Access, SQL or ODBC databases
  • Import tags into C-more database
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Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


Honeywell CC-PUIO31 Compatible Drives

The Honeywell CC-PUIO31 is also characterized by its standard integrated motion control features. These features allow analog and Profidrive-compatible drives to be connected without additional modules, supporting velocity and positioning axes as well as encoders. Blocks standardized according to PLCopen simplify the connection of Profidrive-compatible drives. For efficient and fast commissioning of drives and controllers, users can implement the trace function, which enables real-time diagnostics of programs and motion applications to optimize the drive. Another integrated technical function is PID control, for which easy-to-configure blocks are provided to ensure high-quality control. The control parameters are automatically adjusted.

The Honeywell CC-PUIO31’s safety integration concept extends from block protection to communication integrity and supports users in protecting their applications. Integrated proprietary technical protection features, such as protection against machine copying, help prevent unauthorized access and modification. For copy protection, Simatic memory cards are used, in which individual blocks are associated with the serial number of the original memory card. This should ensure that the program can only be run via the configured memory card and therefore cannot be copied. Access protection solves the problem of protecting the application from unauthorized configuration changes. For this purpose, separate rights can be assigned to different user groups via an authorization phase. Special mechanisms are used to identify modified engineering data, e.g. in order to protect the data transferred to the controller from unauthorized manipulation.

Honeywell CC-PUIO31 For fail-safe automation, the user deploys the F version (fail-safe) of the new controller using the same engineering and operating concepts as for standard and safety-related programs. A centralized safety management editor assists the user in defining and modifying safety parameters. For example, the user is provided with graphical support when putting the fail-safe drive technology into operation. The new controllers have been certified as functionally safe according to EN 61508 for safety-relevant applications with a maximum safety class of SIL 3 (according to IEC 62061) and PL e (according to ISO 13849).