F3 AIO 84 01 Function Programmes Electrical Modules

F3 AIO 84 01

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F3 AIO 84 01 Function Programmes Electrical Modules

F3 AIO 84 01 according to the scope of plc applications, programming language can be used in combination, commonly used programming languages are: ladder programming language; Boolean mnemonic programming language (statement table); function chart programming language; function module diagram programming language; structured statement description programming language; ladder and structured statement description programming language; Boolean mnemonics and function chart programming language; Boolean mnemonics and structured statement description programming language. Ladder diagram and structured statement description programming language; Boolean mnemonic and function chart programming language; Boolean mnemonic and structured statement description programming language.

F3 AIO 84 01 programming language ladder diagram programming language is a ladder diagram graphical symbols to describe the programme of a programming language. Using ladder diagram programming language, the program is described in the form of a ladder diagram. This programming language uses cause and effect relationships to describe the conditions and results of events. Each ladder rung is a cause and effect relationship. In the ladder rungs, the condition describing the occurrence of the event is represented on the left side and the result of the event is represented later. Ladder programming language is one of the most commonly used programming languages. It is derived from the description of relay logic control systems.

In the field of industrial process control, electrical technicians are more familiar with relay logic control technology, so the ladder diagram developed from this logic control technology is popular and widely used. The ladder programming language

F3 AIO 84 01 is characterised by:

(1) Corresponding to the electrical operation schematic diagram, with intuition and correspondence.

(2) Consistent with the original relay logic control technology, for electrical technicians, easy to grasp and learn.

(3) The difference with the original relay logic control technology is that the power flow in the ladder diagram is not in the actual sense.

flow) in the ladder diagram is not the actual meaning of the current, the internal relay is not the actual existence of the relay, therefore, when applying, need to be treated differently from the original relay logic control technology concepts.

(4) One-to-one correspondence with the Boolean mnemonic programming language facilitates mutual conversion and programme checking.