DSDP140B 57160001-ACX Control Handling Receive Cardware

DSDP140B 57160001-ACX

Embedded dual watchdog function
4 kV ESD protection
3750 VDC isolation
Wide operating temperature: -25°C ~ 75°C

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


DSDP140B 57160001-ACX Control Handling Receive Cardware

The main properties of the DSDP140B 57160001-ACX control are as follows: (1) Comm Port: Sets and returns the communication port number. (2) Settings: Sets and returns the baud rate, parity bit, data bit and stop bit in the form of characters. The characters n, o and e represent no parity, odd parity and even parity respectively. (3) Port Open: Set and return the communication port status. When set to Ture, the port is opened; when set to Flase, the port is closed. In addition, there are Input, Output, Input Mode, In Buffer Count and other attributes, which are not described here.

The DSDP140B 57160001-ACX control provides two ways of processing: (1) Event-driven way: When the RTHreshold property is not 0, a serial event On Comm is generated when a character is received or a change occurs in the transmission line. these communication events can be captured and processed by querying the CommEvent property. (2) Query method: The received information is processed by querying the value of the Iuput Buffer Count (number of bytes in the receive buffer) attribute. The event-driven method is used in this device.

DSDP140B 57160001-ACX Designing a serial communication program in Visual Basic language is simple and practical, the key is how to form a friendly user interface. The details of programming will not be elaborated here. With the introduction of industrial PCs, personal computers in the industrial field branch of the reliability problem has also been solved. Therefore, in various types of measurement and control equipment to achieve serial communication between the PLC and PC has great significance.