CC-PDIL01 51308388-175 Servo Data System

CC-PDIL01 51308388-175

Technical Parameters:

  • Full-featured ProductivitySuite FREE PAC programming software (a $495 value!)
  • Hardware auto-discovery
  • All project files (program, tag name database and all the program documentation) in the CPU
  • Advanced instructions and task management boost program speed and efficiency
  • Run-time editing and easy data logging on CPU
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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


CC-PDIL01 51308388-175 Servo Data System

CC-PDIL01 51308388-175 Detailed Settings In addition to the detailed settings for some of the above descriptions, other functions are also set, such as the M-code fetch mode, speed mode, JOG operation, selection of manual pulses, and arc error correction. The home reset parameter settings are mainly the way of resumption, direction, home address, and speed. Positioning data is how we ask the system to work, work steps, data and other content.

CC-PDIL01 51308388-175 servo system works mainly on the address of the internal registers, which are mainly divided into several parts: parameter area, monitoring area, control data area, positioning data area, PLC’s CPU memory area, and block transfer area. The setting of each position in the system diagram in Figure 5 (QD75) is mainly the setting of the basic positioning data, including positioning identification sub, M code, command speed, positioning address/movement amount, sudden stop deceleration time, arc address, where a total of 30 points of position for each axis is set, so that it can be effectively adapted to the substrate of the system with different degrees of complexity of cutting.

CC-PDIL01 51308388-175 in the software design of the human-machine interface, the positioning data parameters related to the servo system is written directly in the screen, you can effectively adjust the system, change, in the system is not only the above data, in addition to the positioning-related parameter settings there are many more, not to be listed here, the system is a very complex system.