CC-PAIX02 51405038-475 Initialization of the serial communication interface

CC-PAIX02 51405038-475

Embedded dual watchdog function
4 kV ESD protection
3750 VDC isolation
Wide operating temperature: -25°C ~ 75°C

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CC-PAIX02 51405038-475 Initialization of the serial communication interface

CC-PAIX02 51405038-475 Initialization of the serial communication interface is realized by setting a certain this unit in the DM area of the data storage, and the communication method of the upper computer link is selected. Select the communication protocol: 9600 baud, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits, even parity. The serial port COM2 of PC is selected as the communication port with PLC.

CC-PAIX02 51405038-4755 and PLC communication between the master-slave answer mode, PC always has the priority of transmission, as needed to the PLC to send read and write commands; PLC is in a passive state to respond to the commands of the upper PC. PC and PLC initialization, set up its communication format (mainly including baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits), communication format must be the same . The communication format must be consistent.

CC-PAIX02 51405038-475 communication process between PC and PLC, the communication method of PC priority, sending commands to PLC to start the communication, and PLC automatically returning the response is used. Read data, PC through the serial port to the PLC to read data commands, PLC response and data ready, then the PC again to read the serial port can be read to the required data. When writing data, PC sends write command and data to PLC through serial port, and PLC receives it.