CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 Analog Input/Output Hybrid Modules

CC-PAIN01 51410069-175

Control functions
Direct indication of channel readiness via LEDs
Safe and fast installation
Quick module identification
Individual channel identification marking strips

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Simon Zhang
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CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 Analog Input/Output Hybrid Modules

CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 can be used with general-purpose analog input/output hybrid modules to form a temperature acquisition and processing system. General-purpose A/D converter module does not have the temperature data processing function, so the temperature signal collected by the temperature sensor has to be converted, amplified, filtered, cold-end compensation and linearization processed by peripheral circuits before it can be recognized by the A/D converter and converted into the corresponding digital signals.The commonly used analog input/output mixing modules of SLC500 series PLC are – 2-way Differential input / 2-way voltage output module, its A/D conversion is 16-bit. Constructed by the A/D conversion module temperature control system not only requires additional peripheral circuitry, but also its software and hardware design is more complex.

CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 control system display interface is relatively monotonous, generally through the observation of the control cabinet lights or PLC LEDs to understand the controller status, but for temperature control system such a display is not enough, you need to use a digital tube display or PC display. Digital tube display, you can choose ZLG7289A chip [4], which uses a 3-wire serial interface with the controller, only takes up three output points of the SLC500, you can drive 8 LED digital display tubes, the same over the cascade can be extended to the number of digital display tubes, to achieve multi-segment real-time temperature display.

The voltage signal range of CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 analog input module is generally 0-4124, and the SCP instruction rounds it up to the engineering unit of 0-16383, and puts its value into the memory address N7:38 of PV (Process Variable), and puts the control output value into N7:39. Finally, use the MOV instruction to transfer the process variable in N7:39 to the 1746NIO4V analog output module. The control effect is as follows: (1) When SP-PV≥50, the output value is the maximum value of 32767, which maximizes the opening of the voltage regulator, i.e., the maximum voltage is supplied to the heater, so that the temperature of the object to be measured rises rapidly. (2) When SP-PV>-30 and SP-PV<50, the output is PID control output, and this range is the range of PID parameter adjustment. (3) When SP-PV<-30, the output value is the minimum value 0, and the voltage regulator opening is zero, i.e., heating is stopped.