BENTLY 1900/65A-00-00-02-00-01 engineer station

  • I/O NODE up to 16/control station
    8 I/O modules/NODE
    Maximum practical installation of 4096 DI/O points
    The operating station (XOS) can reach up to 16 stations
    Database Station (XDS) 1 Station Duplication
Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


BENTLY 1900/65A-00-00-02-00-01 engineer station

BENTLY 1900/65A-00-00-02-00-01 engineer station

This DCS voice alarm system is designed to meet the functional requirements proposed by XX Power Plant. The functional requirements are as follows:
The addition of a DCS voice alarm system is a supplement to the existing alarm system functions of Conductor NT and the current sound and light alarm system, and cannot affect or conflict with the current sound and light alarm functions.
The DCS voice alarm system is only installed on one operator station and uses the sound card of that operator station for pronunciation, with adjustable volume.
Add a confirmation button on the existing operator station alarm screen, and only acknowledge voice alarms.
Any operator station has a voice alarm confirmation function.
The confirmation button added on the alarm screen of the operator station should be significantly different from the original sound and light alarm system reset button, and have the function of omitting the second alarm.