9907-1183 Fault Logging Function


Technical Parameters

D2-04TD1 – 4 pt. 12-24 VDC current sinking output module, 1 common (4 common terminals),4.0A/point, 8.0A/module, fused per point (non-replaceable), removable terminal

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Simon Zhang
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9907-1183 Fault Logging Function

If the 9907-1183 selected line equipment is operating normally, and a small change in line is required instead of stopping the entire system, the system can be inverted. At this time, reversing the system will not stop the entire system, but after reversing the system, the “Reverse System” button should be clicked in time to end the reversing operation.

9907-1183, people in the field will often occur unpredictable situations, at this time, if each piece of equipment to the site operator to manually stop, often may not be fast enough, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of a situation on the whole line to stop immediately. Setting “emergency stop” in the software ensures a quick response to on-site accidents, and achieves the effect of avoiding on-site operator’s casualties and reducing economic losses to the maximum extent. When the monitoring screen presses the “emergency stop” button, all the equipment of the whole yard system will stop unconditionally.

9907-1183 Functions

(1) According to the production needs to choose different processes such as loading, stacking, picking up, emergency picking up, and control the sequence of the equipment on the process to start, start at the same time, sequential stop, stop at the same time, emergency stop, fault stop and so on.

(2) According to the production needs to choose different iron containing raw materials, change or set the proportion of various iron containing raw materials, through the automatic batching control system to achieve the selected raw materials according to the proportion of the material.

(3) Report printing function. It can print out the original and new ratios after each change of ratios; it can count the total amount of ingredients and the consumption of all kinds of raw materials in each shift and print them out at the end of the shift; it can count the total amount of ingredients and the monthly consumption of all kinds of raw materials in each month, and print them out in the form of report at the end of each month.

(4) Alarm function. The control system can monitor the operation of various key equipments in real time during the production process, if the operation parameters of the equipments exceed the pre-set upper and lower limits, it will send out an alarm message on the upper computer in the main control room to remind the operators to take corresponding measures.

(5) Fault record function. The system can record the equipment that fails during operation, the time of failure and simple information about the failure, so as to facilitate the maintenance personnel to maintain the system equipment.