3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009 Output Signal Calculator

3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009

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3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009 Output Signal Calculator

3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009 The basic principle is that when the unit is close to the surge condition, by adjusting the anti-surge valve at the outlet of the compressor, the anti-surge valve opens to a certain angle, in order to increase the flow rate passing through the compressor, reduce the outlet pressure appropriately, and make the operating point away from the surge The operating point will be kept away from the area of the surge. When the fan is ready to be put into operation, the Shaanxi Blower Factory will do the fan characteristic test and surge test on the fan, and derive the characteristic curve and surge curve of the fan according to the function relationship between the measured fan inlet differential pressure (δp) and the exhaust pressure p. The inlet pressure of the fan will be adjusted to increase the flow rate inside the compressor, so as to reduce the outlet pressure appropriately and keep the working condition point away from the surge area.

3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009 Three function generators for alarm, discharge, and emergency air release are set in the computer. In order to ensure the safe operation of the fan, in practice, we will be parallel downward shift of 2%, 7%, 10% to get the same shape of the three curves as the anti-surge regulation system of emergency air release line, the dispersion line and the alarm line. The working principle of the system is: the inlet flow and outlet pressure measured by the transmitter sent to the computer, after the calculation of the control of anti-surge valve pv value (i.e.: measured value)

3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101 3BHB013085R0001 5SHY3545L0009 were calculated with the function generator corresponding to the flow rate of the alarm value, the value of the discharge value, the emergency air release value (i.e.: the set value of sp) for comparison, when the pv value reaches the alarm value, the system sends out an alarm signal, to remind the operator to pay attention to the changes in working conditions When the pv value reaches or exceeds the discharge value, the anti-surge adjustment system plays a regulating role, and the discharge valve opens to bring the working condition back to below the discharge line; if the discharge valve opens and still can’t bring the working condition back to below the discharge line, the working condition continues to deteriorate, and the computer outputs a signal to make the electric air vent valve open quickly when the pv value reaches the emergency air venting value to carry out the emergency air venting.