320-1026C Wireless Data Transmission


High-performance CPU with 50Mb memory, fast scan time

Industry-leading 7 communications ports, including built-in local expansion and Ethernet remote I/O ports are standard on the CPU

USB Programming and USB Data Logging are resident on the CPU

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


320-1026C Wireless Data Transmission

320-1026C wired communication mode must be established by erecting cables, or digging cable trench, so it requires a lot of manpower and material resources; while the establishment of a dedicated wireless data transmission mode with a wireless digital transmission radio does not require the installation of cables or the digging of cable trench, only need to be connected to the wireless digital transmission radio in each terminal and set up the appropriate height of the antenna can be. Compared with the wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission mode, saving the labor and material resources, the investment is quite save.

320-1026C construction project cycle is short, when you want to be several kilometers to dozens of kilometers away from each other to connect the remote site communication, using the wired way, you must set up long-distance cables or dig a long cable trench, the project cycle may require several months of time, and the use of digital transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transfer mode, you only need to set up a suitable height of antennae, the project cycle requires only a few days or a few weeks. Cycle time is only a few days or a few weeks can, compared to the wireless way can quickly set up a communication link, the project cycle is greatly reduced.

320-1026C good adaptability, the limitations of wired communication is too great, in some special applications, such as mountains, lakes, forests, and other special geographic environments or moving objects and other wiring is more difficult to apply the environment of the wired network wiring project has a strong constraints, and the use of wireless data transfer module to establish a dedicated wireless data transfer will not be subject to these restrictions, so the wireless data transfer module to establish a dedicated wireless data transfer mode will not be subject to these limitations. Said wireless data transmission module to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission mode will have a better than wired communications a wider range of adaptability, almost unlimited geographic restrictions.