140CPU67160 Hot Standby Processor


Control functions
Direct indication of channel readiness via LEDs
Safe and fast installation
Quick module identification
Individual channel identification marking strips

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


140CPU67160 Hot Standby Processor

140CPU67160 access to the PLC can be online monitoring of the entire asphalt mixing plant control system operation, for the discovery of problems, problem solving is quite fast and efficient. For asphalt mixing plant manufacturers, the use of remote maintenance can greatly reduce the number of long-distance travel, to provide customers with more effective service, customer equipment can be quickly made fault diagnosis. Improve the global service ability, reduce personnel costs and equipment costs.

140CPU67160 using remote maintenance can be faster diagnosis and troubleshooting, downtime repair time is reduced, the cost of lost production schedule. Currently, the Modem-based PLC remote access solution for asphalt mixing plant control system has been successfully applied in BDK’s equipment maintenance service in Australia. In the application of the program also found that the Modem-based remote access speed is limited, the speed is only dial-up speed, and prone to interruptions in the connection phenomenon. However, due to the program configuration is simple, inexpensive, no additional hardware cards, so in the actual engineering services received special attention.

140CPU67160 as a high-performance control device, in the distributed system has been more and more widely used. In this control mode, the upper monitor system is an important part of the PLC can be a variety of ways, such as directly using the existing configuration monitoring software and the upper monitor communication, but for small-scale control systems, to find a high-performance-price ratio of the communication method, has a positive practical significance.