125840-01 3500/15 Transient Data Interface Module


Technical Parameters

Linux system

Unique Smartlink technology

SSL data encryption

Support 4G full network pass

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


125840-01 3500/15 Transient Data Interface Module

125840-01 3500/15 should make special efforts on the openness of the network, the performance/price ratio of the network composition and the reliability, safety and advancement of the network. Network up to connect to the Internet is the problem, down to connect to the fieldbus is the problem, in addition to the existing network can use Ethernet “e network to the end” approach, the network using the client/server approach, browser/server approach, producer/consumer approach, the interface software using the OPC approach and so on are to be further implemented.

125840-01 3500/15 and intelligent MCC motor control centre, NC/CNC numerical control equipment supporting CNC machine tools, as well as with other operational control systems, electronic control equipment, inverters and soft starters, etc. connected to the system; PLC to be divided with DCS to act as a DCS remote I / O station, etc.;

125840-01 3500/15 to cooperate with the IPC division of labour, in addition to IPC as a human-machine interface, as software PLC I / O components is also feasible; in addition, there is a PLC and emergency parking safety systems (ESD, Emergency Shut Down Systems), the relationship with the three-dimensional warehouses, robots, CAD/CAM and so on to deal with the relationship. In short, PLC to be compatible with a variety of new technologies, so that PLC has become a true sense of the “computer”.