125760-01 Embedded PLC system software


Technical Parameters:

  • Advanced instructions and task management boost program speed and efficiency
  • Run-time editing and easy data logging on CPU
  • Tag name database is friendly and flexible, Help File really helps
  • Easy connection to Access, SQL or ODBC databases
  • Import tags into C-more database
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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


125760-01 Embedded PLC system software

125760-01 builds PLC system software into the controller, customizes the hardware according to the user’s control needs, and solves the object control problems with PLC application.It consists of two parts: embedded PLC system software and chipset, embedded PLC system software
Embedded PLC system software will PLC language (ladder language), CAN bus embedded in the microcontroller, so that the microcontroller product development from the use of assembly language to the use of PLC ladder language, and has the interconnection characteristics of the CAN bus.

125760-01 has the following characteristics: 1. ladder language as the core, adding the interrupt management system, can realize the hard real-time operation that PLC can not be realized; 2. strengthen the computing power, increased CANBUS function library, floating point library, expert self-tuning PID, embedded WEB, etc., enriching the PLC’s functionality; 3. provide an open expansion structure, support for the third-party development of extended Wiring of the unit; 4. Increased network interconnection function, in the remote end after loading a special browser, you can realize remote monitoring.

The system software of 125760-01 includes three parts.
① Embedded PLC kernel: it accomplishes the basic functions such as real-time task scheduling, ladder language interpretation, execution, communication, etc., and provides the secondary development driver interface;
② secondary development driver Through the external tasks provided by the system software, use the kernel to develop a variety of personalized and differentiated drivers for specific objects;
③ terminal application program refers to the ladder language program for process control