05701-A-0302 Honeywell Single Channel Control Card
05701-A-0302maintain a standard connection, the Ethernet connection is provided via an M12 connector. The MODBUS trade agreement facilitates the Ethernet connection with the robust MODBUS technology protocol already supported by the TRTITEX product line. In addition to MODBUS trade agreement support, EXARL Expert software now includes manuals for using MODBUS commands via the HMI or PLC, rather than searching for individual parameter addresses when programming the PLC, thus enabling the user to map all the parameters they wish to use in a continuous register bank of up to 100 registers. This will allow the PLC programme to perform a single read operation and a single write operation to all selected registers, rather than reading and writing one register at a time, or being forced to read blocks of data that cannot all be used. The Tritex II actuator operates from 100-240VAC, allowing direct connection to factory power. Enhanced software features include 16 programmable indexes, link moves and firmware flash upgrade capability via the actuator’s MODBUS port. This port – via the RS/485 protocol – allows complete control, programming and monitoring of all aspects of the TRITEXII actuator while the application is being executed. The CAS200 includes Ethernet IP, Hart, can be opened and can be J1939 protocol. Instead of reading and programming one register at a time, or being forced to read blocks of data that cannot all be used. The Tritex II actuator operates from 100-240VAC, allowing direct connection to the factory power supply. Enhanced software features include 16 programmable indexes, link moves and firmware flash upgrade capability via the actuator’s MODBUS port. This port – via the RS/485 protocol – allows complete control, programming and monitoring of all aspects of the TRITEXII actuator while executing an application. Other communication options include Ethernet IP, Hart, Open and J1939 protocols.
05701-A-0302 direct logic line throughout the import/export controller contains many new features that make ladder logic programming faster and easier. Common tasks such as configuring an analogue card, programming equations, configuring a CTERT high-speed counter, or programming an up/down delay timer can require multiple lines of ladder code. Using IP boxes reduces these processes to a simple programming block with blank parameters. Over 60 IP instructions are available in areas such as memory, discrete and analogue help, maths, communications, and Crito high-speed counters. IP instruction functions are compatible with the direct logic dl05, dl06, d2-250-1, d2-260 and d4-450 CPUs. user interface theme allows the operator to create a unique look and feel for specific projects. Dockable window feature allows transfer of cross-references and data views. The ability to automatically hide or even tear off views and place them in a workspace outside of the immediate software optimises full ladder views.” The “Top of the Day” feature provides simple suggestions on how to learn the new features of Direct Software 5 and how to take advantage of shortcuts. By default, this feature displays a new tip each time the programming software is opened. Other new features include customisable points and one-click editing from the control toolbar, a drum timer for sequential operations, and automatic backup of the last four saved project changes.