0-60063-1 60063-1 Automax Regulator Board

0-60063-1 60063-1

Technical Parameters

Linux system

Unique Smartlink technology

SSL data encryption

Support 4G full network pass

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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


0-60063-1 60063-1 Automax Regulator Board

0-60063-1 60063-1 can be driven, also by all machine controllers. The module consists of a 32-bit ARM microcontroller that handles and buffers I/O and manages communications with the host PC/PLC/SAB, motor controller and/or other components of the system. The processor can be configured to perform conversion, capture, filtering, or conditioning on I/O alone.The ARM processor also reads 3-axis accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and performs fusion algorithms in the AHRS version of ROX.

0-60063-1 60063-1 communication encryption devices, Etherguard also provides protection such as port authentication, access control and application level packet inspection. Unlike competitors designed for general enterprise applications, Etherguard is specifically designed to provide strong cryptographic defences for IP-connected PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) devices. Deep Packet Inspection Generic firewall devices only filter industrial protocols based on tpp ports or UDP ports.

0-60063-1 60063-1 viruses and network attacks use the same open ports to allow industrial protocols to penetrate the network. Application-level DIPs in etherguard systems provide an additional layer of protection to isolate vulnerable contamination from a PC and prevent it from affecting industrial control functions.