GE VMIVME-7750-734001350-027750-734001 G VMIVME-7750 Modern Data Transfer Modules
GE VMIVME-7750-734001350-027750-734001 The G VMIVME-7750 sensor platform is designed for a variety of uses including greenhouses, grain storage, cold chain monitoring, cooling tanks, or any application that requires continuous monitoring and reporting of temperature fluctuations, humidity, and other key metrics throughout a facility.The RS1xx can also serve as the base platform. The RS1xx also serves as a base platform from which Laird can work with OEMs to develop solutions specific to the OEM’s own sensor and enclosure requirements. Sensor data can be routed to the cloud via Laird’s wireless connectivity deployments.The RS1xx is battery-equipped, ready to use out-of-the-box, and simple to configure to capture data to a smartphone or tablet.
GE VMIVME-7750-734001350-027750-734001 The Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer (Ethernet-APL) of the G VMIVME-7750 is the new standard for end-to-end digital communications in the process industry and is also applicable in hazardous areas. Equipment manufacturers must be prepared to meet the growing demands of end users for this modern data transmission technology. Their challenge now is to develop and certify new Ethernet-APL devices in the shortest possible time – ideally without having to accumulate extensive Ethernet-APL expertise. The commModule APL supports manufacturers in meeting this challenge as ready-to-use and pre-certified hardware for implementing Ethernet-APL field devices.
The GE VMIVME-7750-734001350-027750-734001 G VMIVME-7750 can include:
Simple setup via ProSoft Configuration Builder module interface software
Asynchronous data transfer between different protocols
Freestanding DIN rail mounted aluminum enclosure The ProLinx Wireless Gateway serves as a client, providing an ultra-fast, secure and reliable wireless solution for the most demanding industrial applications, including:
Mobile devices such as rotating turntables, drums, and even marine turrets
Applications where cabling is not possible or physically feasible
Wired solutions that are too costly
Joining or connecting to different network certifications including:
UL, UL/C, CE, ATEX and PNO (PROFIBUS Test Center)