SCM040 940860010011 Data Communication Motor Bus

SCM040 940860010011

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SCM040 940860010011 Data Communication Motor Bus

SCM040 940860010011 module control level communication to achieve s7-400 plc and s7-200plc data exchange between the use of profibus dp bus for communication, s7-400 plc redundant profibus dp bus and s7-200plc single bus using y-link converter module for automatic bus conversion

SCM040 940860010011 bus using optical fibre media transmission, fast communication rate. Monitoring level using Siemens sclancs switch to form a redundant industrial Ethernet ring network, to achieve the engineer station (es), operator station (os) and field control station (as) connection communication, communication rate of up to 100mbps, 2 operator station and as station to form a total of 4 redundant iso protocol connection, to improve the reliability of the system network.