PP846A 3BSE042238R2 Hardware Environment Equipment

PP846A 3BSE042238R2

Technical Parameters:

  • User defined tag-based programming for descriptive I/O naming
  • Simple-to-use instructions and Easy math to eliminate complex ladder logic rungs
  • Application tools for quick access to setup, programming, debugging and PAC control
  • Task Manager for quick and easy prioritization of Ladder Logic code
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Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


PP846A 3BSE042238R2 Hardware Environment Equipment

PP846A 3BSE042238R2 shares resources with PLCs, the programmable controllers that control MPS automated production lines. The so-called resource sharing is described in simple terms as “multiple choice” and “one choice”. “Multi-select one” means that multiple PCs can be time-shared with the same PLC for communication, to achieve multiple PCs on the MPS production line of a workstation for control; and “a selection of multiple” means that a PC can be respectively with multiple PLC for communication, to achieve a PC to the MPS production line of a workstation for control; and “a selection of multiple” means that a PC can be respectively with multiple PLC for communication, to achieve a PC to the MPS production line of a workstation for control. communication with multiple PLCs to achieve a PC to control multiple workstations of the MPS production line.

PP846A 3BSE042238R2 in the bus network system design, first of all to determine the hardware design scheme, that is, the bus network system hardware environment equipment – multiple PCs and multiple PLCs, through the hardware circuit design in an orderly manner connected together, coupled with some of the necessary other equipment to achieve Resource sharing and distribution management. In order to achieve multiple PCs to PLC resource sharing, this design proposes a bus network design scheme with a microcontroller as the control station.

PP846A 3BSE042238R2 To achieve resource sharing through the bus network, in addition to the perfect hardware environment, it is also necessary to develop a corresponding communication programme to match. Communication programme design is divided into two parts: one is the communication programme design of the microcontroller, and the other is the communication programme design of the PC. Microcontroller communication program is a source program written in assembly language, its main function is to poll each PC in order to receive the online application from the PC and send the online permission signal according to the content of the application.