140CPU67260 Programming Controller


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140CPU67260 Programming Controller

140CPU67260 program settings are in a certain order to start or stop, 1 # frequency converter to the maximum, if the pressure is lower than the set value, the pressure controller outputs a low alarm to the programming controller, the programming controller according to the set order of power on (here, first open the 2 # machine, and then open the 3 # machine), the pipeline after the start of the pressurization and pressure regulation by the 1 # frequency converter, by the pressure monitor back to the pressure controller If the pressure is within the set value, the system keeps the status quo; if the pressure value is still lower than the set lower limit, the programmed controller will open another pump motor according to the program, also by the 1# frequency converter to regulate the pressure, the normal production of this system needs to be opened up to two and a half or less than three will be enough;

140CPU67260 so that the system pipeline pressure is higher than the upper limit of the set value, the programming controller according to the set sequence of shutdown (here first stop 3 # machine, and then stop 2 # machine), pipeline depressurization, and the 1 # frequency converter to regulate the pressure, the pressure monitor feedback to the pressure controller, if the pressure is within the range of the set value, the system to maintain the status quo; if the pressure value is still higher than the upper limit of the set value, the programming controller will be programmed to stop again. Another pump motor, also by the 1 # frequency converter regulator. This cycle is repeated to maintain a relatively stable system pressure.

140CPU67260 programming controller, programming is simple, easy to apply, so the implementation is not too much difficulty, as long as the actual production of water most of the time, set the appropriate pressure control points and upper and lower limits, and then according to the degree of change in the water use, set the start-stop interval, according to a certain logic to achieve the start-stop control, and realize the priority of the fire signal, you can achieve the normal It can achieve basic constant pressure water supply in normal production, rapid pressurization in fire-fighting, and guarantee the water pressure and water consumption in special circumstances. Construction difficulties are mainly to the fire control of each workshop, the line is long, many control points, in order to protect normal production, special management of the fire button, generally not allowed to move.