Ethernet Interface
2 x interfaceable (isolated)
2 x RS-232 (isolated)
1ghz Cortex-8 CPU
8GB Flash and 512 Mega Drum RAM
Micro SD card expansion memory
Operating temperature -40 ° C . + 85 ° C

Dimensions: 500 mm x  450mm x 200mm

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307



KOKUSAI BALEXT-SMP builds on the structure of the automation project by mapping the page to the workbench for simultaneous visualisation and programming of process control. It provides pre-defined, fully customisable and ready-made object sets. Animations can be easily modified graphically. Design and on-line modes are also provided to eliminate the need for recompilation. The system also allows users to quickly create a set of basic objects

The module is based on open plug-in technology designed specifically for industrial automation needs. isagrav6 Workbench is a modular and flexible environment that allows users to add or remove components. Every component in the workbench was developed through the new Microsoft. Web-based framework technology called the Automated Collaboration Platform. ISCARAV ACP provides the ability to add or remove various plug-ins to meet specific automation product needs. Several plug-ins are now available, including a ladder diagram editor, a function block diagram editor, a structured text editor, a markup database editor (dictionary), an integrated HMI and several other auxiliary plug-ins.

