CI570 3BSE001440R1 Low Capacitance Controller

CI570 3BSE001440R1

Ethernet Interface
2 x interfaceable (isolated)
2 x RS-232 (isolated)
1ghz Cortex-8 CPU
8GB Flash and 512 Mega Drum RAM
Micro SD card expansion memory
Operating temperature -40 ° C . + 85 ° C

Dimensions: 500 mm x  450mm x 200mm

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


CI570 3BSE001440R1 Low Capacitance Controller 

CI570 3BSE001440R1 is a TAC-ERE approved oil resistant servo cable. As it is directly applicable to industrial machines and cable trays, this new cable is designed to eliminate the use of two different cables or conduits in operation.
The CI570 3BSE001440R1 is recommended for use in industrial machine motor connections between servo controllers and motors, palletised applications and moving machine parts, assembly handling and integrated production systems.

The CI570 3BSE001440R1 is characterised by a special thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) shell as well as a cross-linked XLPE insulation that can withstand temperatures of up to 105°C. The CI570 3BSE001440R1 is also available with a UV and oil resistance. In addition to being UV and oil resistant, 7TCE is also flame retardant and can resist harsh cleaning solutions.

The CI570 3BSE001440R1 has a low capacitance design that allows for long distance operation with limited current and voltage loss. Nominal voltages are 600V (UL-TC-ER) and 1000V (UL soft motor supply), with a minimum bend radius of 6x cable diameter.The CI570 3BSE001440R1 passes all cold and crush impact tests and complies with North American and European standards, including ULTEC-ER, C(UL), CE and RoHS.
