PM904F Energy-Saving Module produced by ABB Group


Storage Humidity: 10 ~ 95% (no condensation)

Isolation Voltage: input / output: 3KVDC, 1 minute, leak current:1mA

Which output signal and power supply are common ground.

Shock Voltage: 3KVAC, 1.2/50us (peak)

Dimensions: 450 mm x 300 mm x 150mm

Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


PM904F Energy-Saving Module produced by ABB Group

As you operate the PM904F, you don’t have to run it at maximum speed or at the desired speed every time. There are some applications where you need to start or stop a motor that is often used for short periods of time. This is necessary to test whether the equipment connected to the motor shaft or the motor itself is functioning properly.

Because, if you start the motor directly without testing the application, then it may sometimes lead to inconvenient events. That’s why such frequent starts and stops play an important role in motion applications. Our action is called jogging or tapering.

Jogging means that you need to start or stop the motion frequently for a short period of time, say 5 seconds or 20 seconds. . Therefore, the motor receives commands to start and stop running at frequent short intervals, which can also be called momentary push-button operation.

Jogging is never accomplished in the switching type; it is a short operation. This is because, if a switcher is used and the operator forgets to turn off the button, then the motor will rotate continuously, which may lead to accidents or unforeseen events.

Consider the buttons you are given in the HMI or control panel (progressive approach is another word for jogging). Buttons are button types, not toggles. The logic is written so that whenever the button is pressed, the motor turns on, and once the button turns on, the motor turns off. Now, when you do this, you will see that your hands provide full control over the motor to turn it on or off freely.
