Motorola MVME6100 controller

  • I/O NODE up to 16/control station
    8 I/O modules/NODE
    Maximum practical installation of 4096 DI/O points
    The operating station (XOS) can reach up to 16 stations
    Database Station (XDS) 1 Station Duplication
Get a quote, please contact me immediately:
Simon Zhang
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: +86 133 6590 9307


Motorola MVME6100 controller

Motorola MVME6100 controller

The OBI nickel iron project in Indonesia, as an advanced nickel hydrometallurgy process project constructed by a Chinese company overseas using the high-pressure acid leaching process (HPAL process), was followed up by an efficient team organized by the Hangzhou Liaison Office of Hangzhou and Lishi Automation Co., Ltd. in collaboration with multiple departments such as the Comprehensive Industry Department in the early stages of the project. Through multiple communications and exchanges with clients, we have developed a comprehensive and high-quality technical solution for this project, combined with a large number of project cases in the metallurgical and power industries of the company. Supported by products, technologies, full lifecycle services, and overall industry solutions that are close to user needs, we have ultimately won the trust of users with detailed scheme design, first-class technical service platform, and advanced and reliable product performance, and successfully won the bid.
Through successful cooperation with Liqin Resources in multiple projects on OBI Island in Indonesia, Hollysys has laid a solid foundation in the overseas wet smelting field, fully demonstrating its advantageous position in the metallurgical industry. In the future, Hollysys will continue to assist more Chinese enterprises in going global, enhance its core technological advantages, and promote the transformation and upgrading of user enterprises towards digitization and intelligence.